Saturday, May 7, 2011

Skin care regime

Since I hit 15 I have had terrible skin. Oily spotty lumpy and scarred!
The only time since turning 15 that Iv had some relieve was when I was pregnant with my son!! My skin was clear and balanced not to oily not to dry with a healthy glow!!
After I had my son my skin stayed beautiful and clear for about 6 months because I breastfed my son!! But within weeks of stopping it was back to its old oily ways!!
Its bin 2 and a half years since I had Corey and Iv gotten to point where my skin is as bad as it was when I was an awkward spotty teenager and im sick of it!!
So seen as der is no way Im having another baba for like 1000 years I have decided to start up a skin care regime!!
I always start skin care regimes then I get lazy n stary sleeping in my makeup again!!
So I thought to myself if I put it on my blog and let the world see what Im doing it might give me the little push to keep it up!!
So for the last week I have been washing my face morning and night, using a tea tree spot stick, trying to eat more fruit and drink more water I will take a pic of myself makeup less (gulp) so you can all see how I look now and in a month I will put up a new pic and we can see if there are any differances!!
If my skin improves I will put up a list of what I used and what I did and mabey it will help all of you out there!!

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